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Terms of Use and Privacy Policy


Personal Information, submitted via ZRTKD web pages by email or enquiry form, will be treated as confidential in line with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GPPR). The information which you provide us with will not be used in any way other than for its original purpose. We may use information derived from the use of the website by visitors to inform users of site updates, approved products, event schedules and invitations, and other items that ZRTKD considers to be of interest to Taekwon-do practitioners or organisations. ZRTKD will not knowingly divulge, sell or trade any personal information provided to any third party, and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all such information is kept secure. We do not use cookies for collecting personal information about visitors to the site, further details are provided on our Cookies page. This statement only covers the web pages maintained by us and does not cover other web pages linked from our site. For our full privacy statement please see below. 



Customer information held by ZRTKD is only disclosed for the purposes of completing any transaction or service that we have been contracted to complete on your behalf. For example, included in the ZRTKD student membership is a membership to ACE (Authentic Centres of Excellence for Taekwondo) we will therefore share the data needed to register you as a member of ACE. Information will never be disclosed for any reason other than the purpose stated to the customer at the time we ask you for it, unless consent is given by the customer or by legal obligation. 


Under GDPR an individual has the right to view any personal information held about them. Contact should be made through the details below; you will be asked to complete an access request form. 


Full Privacy Statement 

ZRTKD are committed to protecting your right to privacy as an individual. This affects you, as our customer, associate or indeed an employee. Personal information can be anything that identifies and relates to a living person, for example, your name and contact details. This notice explains the high level principles we operate to in using people's personal data and under what conditions we share your information. 


When you make an enquiry or application to join, we ask you for your name, company, email, date of birth and a contact telephone number so we can make contact with you and fully respond to your enquiry. Your information is stored in our database and is not shared with any third parties.​​


We will make sure that the gathering, holding and use of your personal data is kept to a minimum and in accordance with the terms of this privacy statement. We will not use your personal details for any other purpose without obtaining your consent, unless otherwise necessary as explained in this statement. â€‹


To the extent required, we will endeavour to keep your information accurate and up-to-date and not keep it for longer than is necessary in-line with ZRTKD retention schedules or is necessary to service your enquiry.


Connecting with us 

Your membership includes subscription to our e-newsletter, we will use your information to send you our  e-news as well as regular event, product and updates from the team – we promise not to spam you.  


We will only send you our newsletter or marketing material for as long as you continue to consent. You will see a disclaimer at the bottom of the email you receive from us detailing this and although we’d be sad to see you go, you can also unsubscribe at any time. 


Our website and forms 

If you are a user with general public access, our website does not store or capture personal information other than your IP address. The system will record other personal information only if you enter this in order to: 


Subscribe to or apply for services that require personal information 


Contact us and leave your details for us to respond 


In addition to the use of the contact service provider Mailchimp described above, we currently use two systems to enable communications with you, provide a response to your enquiry and ask for your opinion: 


Google Forms – The collecting and storing of this information is carried out online and response to our forms are stored in a worksheet that can only be accessed through a Google account login, for more information please see Google Forms and Google Terms 


SurveyMonkey – an online questionnaire and survey tool. Again the collecting and storing of information is carried out online in response to our enquiry to you. The responses are stored within our SurveyMonkey account and can only be accessed through our secure login. For more information please see SurveyMonkey and SurveyMonkey Terms


Disclaimers and limitations on liabiIity


ZRTKD will not be held liable for any infection, contamination, damages, delays or any other losses caused directly or indirectly as a result of your access to our systems (including the receipt of email messages from our servers) or the use of any information available at this site.  Users are strongly advised to use appropriate anti-virus software and firewall technologies.


Linked Sites


ZRTKD in no way warrants, guarantees, or otherwise endorses any website that may be linked to from this site.  Further, ZRTKD cannot be held responsible for any content on any external site. Users access such links entirely at their own risk.




This website is the property of ZRTKD under the administration of Miss Zoë Tate.  It is a private resource to facilitate the administration and education of ITF Taekwon-do to Taekwon-do Practitioners.  




In accordance with the Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act, all persons under the age of 13 must have permission from their legal guardian before placing name, e-mail address and/or private information anywhere on this website.




The storage or use, for any purpose, of any images, graphics, photos, videos, articles or any other content, or compilation of any content at this site is expressly forbidden without prior written authorisation from ZRTKD Administration.  Copyright of content in this site is the exclusive property of the ZRTKD and/ or its respective creators and authors.



Contact us 

If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, discuss your information rights further or are concerned about the use of your data please contact: 

​│07429 120 791


We need to be sure of your identity and to make sure you have the right to see the information you are asking to see. We will usually require proof of identity, for example, a passport, driving licence, birth or marriage certificate. For this reason we may have to contact you before we can accept a request as valid. You can also contact us by the same method in order to request a change, correction, or deletion of your personal identifiable information held by ZRTKD, we will ensure the deletion request is actioned by ACE.


We will reply to a valid request within one month of receiving your request. If you have any concerns or seek further advice you can contact the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). The ICO is an independent body set up to uphold information rights in the UK. 


We will continually review and update this privacy policy to reflect changes in our services and feedback from our members.



September 2020 

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